Come join your garden neighbors for our next Community Day on Saturday, September 19 from 10AM - 1PM.
We're planning to tackle some special projects as well as the more routine maintenance stuff. This is a great opportunity to connect with your garden neighbors - and knock off some of those volunteer hours at the same time!

As many of you are practicing already, we will continue encouraging the sanitization of equipment and the use of masks while gathering in large groups. The garden will provide for our sanitation needs, but will not be providing masks.
Additionally, there will be no shared beverages or lunch so please plan for your own hydration and snacks. Gloves, wheelbarrows, and weed whackers are also great to bring if you have them.
Stop by for a few minutes or stay for a few hours. Whatever works for your schedule, works for the garden. Looking ahead, the final Community Day of the season will be held on Saturday, October 17.